CV Writing Workshop

Presenter: Michael Cooper - Career Development Specialists, Student Engagement and Employability Team

Wednesday 19 April
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 14.G01

Being able to put together a strong job application is the first and most vital step in transferring your HDR research into a career. In this workshop you will learn the key skills required in creating a high quality resume and cover letter that will be noticed by recruiters in the job marketplace.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this seminar, you will better understand:

  • The key principles of resume and cover letter layouts and why they are important.
  • Foundational knowledge of the recruitment process and how to leverage this information with your job application
  • How to identify the appropriate balance of technical and transferable skills required for the job you are applying for and communicate this in a resume.
  • How to tailor a cover letter specifically for the employer and role you are applying for.

Target Audience: 

HDR candidates at any stage.

Building relevant work history to your HDR Research is the key factor to moving into more senior roles.