Let's Talk About... UOW’s Research Integrity Advisor Network

Ryah Perkiss - Research Integrity Advisor
 Research Ethics and Integrity Unit

Wednesday 5 April
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: 14.G01

Things can go wrong during a PhD, or they can seem not quite right. There can be authorship disputes, supervisory issues, data and ethical problems.

When things go wrong in research, you need to know our Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs) are here to help you navigate the policies, procedures and guidelines.

This session will provide you with the opportunity to meet staff involved in research integrity and ethics at UOW and, if you already have a concern or query, you will be welcome to ask or be provided with information to set up an appointment.

Presentation will cover:

  • Who the RIAs at UOW are
  • What RIAs do and what they do not do
  • When you should contact a RIA

Target Audience: HDR candidates at any stage