When you click the 'Register' button underneath any of the sessions, it will direct you to the general registrations page. You will be required to create an account with your email and a password, and enter in some personal details. You will then have the option to register for any of the available Researcher Development Sessions. You can select to attend as many or as few sessions as you like

Once you have created an account using your email and password you will be able to log back in again using these details and modify your registrations at any time. This means you can sign up for different sessions at different times. It also means you can remove your registration if you have previously registered for a session that you can no longer attend. 

Sessions may be presented as Dual Delivery (In-Person and Online), In-Person Only, or Online Only. Some session are being run on multiple occasions to accommodate multiple delivery types. Please check the description of each session to confirm the delivery method.

HDR candidates are encouraged to visit the HDR Information Hub on Moodle more relevant information and resources. 

The site includes information on: 

  • Researcher Development
  • Graduate Research School & Faculty HDR Contacts
  • Getting started at UOW
  • Candidate Support & Wellbeing
  • Research & Ethics Integrity
  • Careers & Internships